Editorial & Sponsorship Policy


Free, Unbiased Quality Health Information

At PatientPoint®, our mission is to provide trusted, relevant and easy-to-understand health information to healthcare professionals and their patients when and where they need it. We believe that educated health consumers who work closely with their physicians have the best opportunity to make health decisions that will improve their quality of life.

In order to advance our mission and make quality health information available at no cost to physicians or patients, we accept program sponsorship under strict guidelines. We will not accept sponsorship that is incompatible with our mission. We do not endorse any of the products offered by our sponsors, and our editorial content may not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of our sponsors.

Most importantly, our editorial content is written and created by the PatientPoint editorial team and reviewed by PatientPoint medical reviewers. It is solely the responsibility of PatientPoint. This approach ensures that patients get unbiased information to help them make the best health decisions.

Our commitment to editorial integrity is why physicians nationwide trust PatientPoint to help educate their patients in the waiting room and the exam room.